// =========================================================================== // This is a quick-and-dirty steering program that procudes Linux shell // scripts to steer the W Space Exp(Z) fractal computation. // // It uses ImageMagick for image manipulation: /* Convert from XPM to GIF using ImageMagick: convert .xpm .gif where may include: -scale Scale picture to (keep height ratio) -font "" selects print font, e.g. "Courier" -pointsize size of characters in point -fill "#" set draw color -draw 'text , ""' draws at position , from top-left */ // You can then e.g. use gifsicle to make an animated GIF, e.g.: /* gifsicle --delay=10 --colors 256 --loop *.gif > anim.gif */ // =========================================================================== #include #include #include #include FILE *fp; // out file pointer int runID; double runIDd; int runIDstart; double zR; double zW; double xMin; double xMax; double yMin; double yMax; int resX; int steps; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // main // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- int main(int argc, char **argv) { // here it starts: prepares the log; actual // execution is driven in "run-wspaceexpfractal.c" fp = fopen("execSteerWExpZ_1x2Zoom.sh", "wb"); fprintf(fp, "# command file generated: \n"); struct tm *local; time_t t; t = time(NULL); local = localtime(&t); fprintf(fp, "# %s\n", asctime(local)); fprintf(fp, "date\n"); xMin = -0.1 ; xMax = 0.1 ; yMin = -0.2 ; yMax = 0.2 ; resX = 1000 ; runID = 4000 ; steps = 1000 ; runIDstart = runID; while (runID < (runIDstart + steps)) { runIDd = (((double) runID) - ((double) runIDstart)) / ((double) steps); zR = (-1.6 + (3.2 * runIDd)) * 0.5; zW = (-1.6 + (3.2 * runIDd)); fprintf(fp, "./calcWExpZ %d %le %le %le %le %le %le %d 0 1\n", runID, zR, zW, xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, resX); fprintf(fp, "convert pic-wspaceexpfractal-%04d.xpm ", runID); fprintf(fp, "-scale 400 -font \"Courier\" -pointsize 14 -fill \"#F00\" "); fprintf(fp, "-draw \'text 10,15 \"Exp(Z) Z = {%le, %le}\"\' ", zR, zW); // fprintf(fp, "-draw \'text 10,30 \"bottom-left = {%le, %le}\"\' ", xMin, yMin); // fprintf(fp, "-draw \'text 10,45 \"top-right = {%le, %le}\"\' ", xMax, yMax); fprintf(fp, " pic-wspaceexpfractal-%04d.gif\n", runID); runID++; } fclose(fp); }